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Spain with a US License

Spain with a US License

Planning a road trip in Spain? Here's what you need to know about driving in Spain with a US license.

If you are an American driving in Spain, you will need to carry both your valid U.S. driving license and an Permit (IDP). The IDP is a separate document that translates your driving license into 10 different languages and is recognized in over 150 countries worldwide. It can be easily obtained for $20 from your nearest American Automobile Association (AAA) office or online. The IDP is valid for 12 months and must be renewed. It is necessary to have both your U.S. license and IDP when driving in Spain, as citations are placed against your U.S. license, not the IDP.

For short-term stays of up to 6 months, Americans can drive in Spain with their U.S. license and an IDP. However, for long-term stays of more than 6 months, it is necessary to obtain a Spanish driving license by taking the theoretical and practical examinations issued by the Spanish government. While some Americans continue to drive in Spain with their U.S. license and renew their IDP yearly, this is technically breaking the law after two years. The choice to obtain a Spanish license is a personal decision, considering the convenience versus the risk of being stopped and fined.

Key Takeaways:

  • Americans driving in Spain need both a valid U.S. driving license and an International Driving Permit (IDP).
  • The IDP can be obtained from the American Automobile Association (AAA) for $20 and is valid for 12 months.
  • For short-term stays, up to 6 months, Americans can drive in Spain with their U.S. license and IDP.
  • For long-term stays, more than 6 months, it is necessary to obtain a Spanish driving license through examinations.
  • Continuing to drive in Spain with a U.S. license after two years is technically breaking the law.

Obtaining an International Driving Permit (IDP)

Before hitting the road in Spain, make sure to obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP) to accompany your US license. If you're an American planning to drive in Spain, it's crucial to have both your valid US driving license and an IDP with you. The IDP is a separate document that translates your driving license into 10 different languages and is recognized in over 150 countries worldwide. It's a simple process to get an IDP from your nearest American Automobile Association (AAA) office or online for just $20.

Keep in mind that the IDP is valid for 12 months and must be renewed. It's necessary to carry both your US license and IDP when driving in Spain, as any citations or infractions will be recorded against your US license, not the IDP. So make sure to have both documents readily available to avoid any complications or penalties.

If you're planning a short-term stay in Spain, of up to 6 months, you can simply drive with your US license and an IDP. However, for longer stays of more than 6 months, it's advisable to obtain a Spanish driving license. For this, you'll need to take the theoretical and practical examinations issued by the Spanish government. While some Americans choose to continue driving with their US license and renew their IDPs yearly, it's important to note that this practice technically breaks the law after two years. So, it's a personal decision whether to obtain a Spanish license, considering the convenience versus the risk of being stopped and fined.

Summary of Driving in Spain with a US License
Short-term stay (up to 6 months)US driving license + IDP
Long-term stay (more than 6 months)Spanish driving license (obtained through exams)

Driving in Spain with a US license

Driving in Spain with a US license can be a breeze as long as you are familiar with the driving restrictions and traffic laws. If you are an American driving in Spain, you will need to carry both your valid U.S. driving license and an International Driving Permit (IDP). The IDP is a separate document that translates your driving license into 10 different languages and is recognized in over 150 countries worldwide. It can be easily obtained for $20 from your nearest American Automobile Association (AAA) office or online. The IDP is valid for 12 months and must be renewed. It is necessary to have both your U.S. license and IDP when driving in Spain, as citations are placed against your U.S. license, not the IDP.

For short-term stays of up to 6 months, Americans can drive in Spain with their U.S. license and an IDP. However, for long-term stays of more than 6 months, it is necessary to obtain a Spanish driving license by taking the theoretical and practical examinations issued by the Spanish government. While some Americans continue to drive in Spain with their U.S. license and renew their IDP yearly, this is technically breaking the law after two years. The choice to obtain a Spanish license is a personal decision, considering the convenience versus the risk of being stopped and fined.

Driving restrictions for US license holders in Spain

When driving in Spain with a US license, there are a few important restrictions to keep in mind. The legal blood alcohol content limit is lower in Spain than in the United States, at 0.05%. It is also compulsory to carry a reflective vest and warning triangle in the vehicle at all times. Additionally, the use of handheld devices while driving is strictly prohibited, including the use of cell phones. Violating these restrictions can result in fines and penalties, so it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the traffic laws in Spain before hitting the road.

Driving Tips for Americans in Spain
1. Familiarize yourself with the local traffic laws and regulations.
2. Pay attention to speed limits, which may vary depending on the type of road and location.
3. Be cautious when driving in urban areas, as pedestrians have the right of way in most cases.
4. Use roundabouts correctly, giving way to vehicles already in the circle.
5. When parking, ensure you are aware of any parking restrictions and always lock your car.

By following these driving tips and being aware of the driving restrictions and traffic laws in Spain, you can enjoy a safe and pleasant experience on the Spanish roads.

Long-term stays and obtaining a Spanish driving license

If you plan on staying in Spain for an extended period, it's important to understand the requirements for obtaining a Spanish driving license. While Americans can drive in Spain with their U.S. license and an International Driving Permit (IDP) for short-term stays, this may not be sufficient for long-term stays exceeding 6 months.

To obtain a Spanish driving license, you will need to undergo the theoretical and practical examinations administered by the Spanish government. These examinations are designed to ensure that drivers have a thorough understanding of Spanish traffic laws and regulations. The theoretical exam assesses your knowledge of traffic signs, rules, and road safety, while the practical exam evaluates your driving skills. It's worth noting that the exams are conducted in Spanish, so it's important to have a good understanding of the language.

Requirements for obtaining a Spanish driving license:

  • Proof of legal residency in Spain
  • Valid identification documents
  • Medical certificate confirming physical fitness to drive
  • Passing the theoretical and practical examinations

Once you have successfully obtained a Spanish driving license, you can legally drive in Spain without the need for an IDP. It's important to note that continuing to drive in Spain with a U.S. license and renewing your IDP yearly after two years may be considered breaking the law. Therefore, it is advisable to consider obtaining a Spanish license if you plan on residing in Spain for an extended period.

Comparison of U.S. Driver’s License and Spanish Driving License

U.S. Driver's LicenseSpanish Driving License
Recognized in Spain for short-term staysRequired for long-term stays exceeding 6 months
Must be accompanied by an IDPNo longer required once you obtain a Spanish license
Valid for driving in the United StatesValid for driving in Spain and other European Union countries

Obtaining a Spanish driving license may offer greater convenience and eliminate the need for yearly IDP renewals. However, it is important to consider personal circumstances and the potential risks of continuing to drive with a U.S. license after the initial two years. It is recommended to consult with local authorities or a legal professional to fully understand the regulations and requirements in your specific situation.


Driving in Spain with a US license is possible, but it's essential to be aware of the driving regulations and consider obtaining a Spanish license for long-term stays. As an American driver in Spain, you will need to carry both your valid U.S. driving license and an International Driving Permit (IDP) at all times. The IDP serves as a translation of your license and is recognized in over 150 countries, including Spain.

For short-term stays of up to 6 months, you can drive in Spain with your U.S. license and an IDP. Obtaining an IDP is a simple process that can be done online or at your nearest American Automobile Association (AAA) office for just $20. However, for long-term stays exceeding 6 months, it is necessary to obtain a Spanish driving license through the theoretical and practical examinations conducted by the Spanish government.

While some Americans choose to continue driving in Spain with their U.S. license and renew their IDP annually, it's important to note that this is technically breaking the law after two years. Spanish regulations require residents to obtain a local driving license for longer stays. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the convenience of driving with a Spanish license versus the potential risks of getting stopped and fined for driving without one.

Driving in a foreign country can be an adventure, but it's crucial to understand and follow the driving regulations in place. By carrying the necessary documents and considering the option of obtaining a Spanish driving license for long-term stays, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the roads of Spain. Remember, staying informed and complying with the local driving laws is key to a trouble-free journey.


Do I need an International Driving Permit (IDP) to drive in Spain with a US license?

Yes, if you are an American driving in Spain, you need to carry both your valid U.S. driving license and an International Driving Permit (IDP). The IDP is a separate document that translates your driving license into 10 different languages and is recognized in over 150 countries worldwide.

How can I obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP) for driving in Spain?

You can easily obtain an IDP for $20 from your nearest American Automobile Association (AAA) office or online. The IDP is valid for 12 months and must be renewed. It is necessary to have both your U.S. license and IDP when driving in Spain, as citations are placed against your U.S. license, not the IDP.

Can I drive in Spain with just my U.S. license and an IDP for short-term stays?

Yes, for short-term stays of up to 6 months, Americans can drive in Spain with their U.S. license and an IDP.

What should I do for long-term stays in Spain?

For long-term stays of more than 6 months, it is necessary to obtain a Spanish driving license by taking the theoretical and practical examinations issued by the Spanish government.

Can I continue to drive in Spain with my U.S. license and renew my IDP yearly?

While some Americans continue to drive in Spain with their U.S. license and renew their IDP yearly, this is technically breaking the law after two years. The choice to obtain a Spanish license is a personal decision, considering the convenience versus the risk of being stopped and fined.

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